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What is Cloud Computing? Beginners Guide

What is Cloud Computing? Beginners Guide

Simply put, Cloud Computing Provides Computing Services – Including Servers, Storage, Databases, Networks, Software, Analytics, And Intelligence – Over The Internet (“Cloud”) To Deliver Faster Innovation, More Flexible Resources, And More.

Computing, You Typically Only Pay For The Cloud Services You Use, Which Helps You Reduce Your Operating Costs, Run Your Infrastructure More Efficiently, And Scale As Your Business Needs Change.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud computing is the provision of various services through the Internet. These resources include tools and applications such as data storage, servers, databases, networks, and software.

Cloud-based storage allows you to store files in a remote database instead of storing them on a dedicated hard drive or local storage device. As long as an electronic device has access to the web, it has access to data and software programs to run it.

Cloud computing is a popular choice for people and businesses for cost savings, increased productivity, speed, efficiency, performance, and security. Computing has three models that you can get acquainted with by reading the article on different cloud or cloud computing models.

Why is it called cloud computing?

In fact, the term cloud is derived from the telephone industry, so telecommunications companies, which until the 1990s offered only dedicated point-to-point lines, began to offer virtual private networks of similar quality and lower prices.

The cloud symbol represents the boundary point between the parts within the scope of the user’s responsibility and those used within the scope of the supplier’s responsibility.
In other words, the reason for naming cloud computing is that remotely accessible information is found in the cloud or cyberspace.

What is Cloud Computing?

Cloud service providers enable users to store files and applications on remote servers and access all data over the Internet. This means that the user does not have to be in a specific place to access it and allows the user to work remotely.

Cloud computing can be both public and private. Public cloud services offer their services through the Internet for a fee. On the other hand, private cloud services only serve a certain number of people.
These services are a system of networks that provide hosting services. There is also a combined option that combines public and private services elements.

Important Notes:

How does cloud computing work?

Instead of having computing infrastructure or data centers, companies can lease access to everything from applications to storage to a cloud service provider.

One of the advantages of using cloud computing services is that companies can avoid the initial cost and complexity of maintaining their IT infrastructure and instead easily pay for what they use when using them.

Cloud computing service providers, in turn, can benefit from a significant economic scale by providing similar services to a wide range of customers.


There are many benefits to using cloud computing, and you can learn about its potential benefits by reading Article 10 Benefits of Cloud Computing.

Disadvantages of the cloud

There will naturally be risks despite the speed, efficiency, and innovations in computing. Security has always been a major concern for the cloud, especially regarding sensitive medical records and financial information. While cloud computing services regulations force them to increase security measures and compliance, this is still an ongoing issue. Encryption protects critical information, but if that encryption key is lost, so is the data.

Servers maintained by cloud computing companies may also fall victim to natural disasters, internal malfunctions, and power outages.

There is a learning curve for both employees and managers, like any technology. But with many people accessing and manipulating information through a portal, inadvertent errors can be transmitted to the entire system.

Use of cloud computing

You are probably using cloud computing right now, even if you do not realize it. Cloud computing will probably make it possible behind the scenes if you use an online service to send emails, edit documents, watch movies or TV, listen to music, play games or save photos and other files.

The first cloud computing services are less than a decade old. Still, various organizations – from small startups to global companies, government agencies, and non-profit agencies – have embraced the technology in various ways.

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